Course details

This course contains the basic steps of ballet and teaches through imitation and simple games that children can perform at home with materials that are already at hand.

The course is structured as follows:

  • Introduction of the instructor and how to use the course
  • Warmup and introduction to the basic positions
  • Games with a blanket, pillow and scarf
  • Choreography putting together all of these pieces into a coherent mini-performance

The aim of this course is to teach the basics of ballet, but it's so entertaining that your child will ask for it again and again!

THE PROFESSOR, Carla Jaque Artega, is the owner and principal instructor at the Activate Dance Academy. This is a dance academy focused on women and girls, seeking to develop and enhance their athletic and artistic skills through the practice of fitness disciplines according to their interests and current trends.

Updated on 27 December, 2017
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