Udemy AWS MasterClass: Docker Containers In The Cloud With AWS ECS Udemy
Price: USD 200
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

In the past decade cloud computing has been gaining popularity at a tremendous rate. Some cloud providers are experiencing a growth rate of 50% year over year which is just astounding. And the reasons for this growth is obvious cloud computing enables ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources which can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal effort.

Amazon Web Services is a cloud computing platform which offers a broad set of global compute, storage, database, analytics, application, and deployment services that help organizations move faster at lower IT costs, and scale their applications.

Along with the popularity of cloud platforms - another phenomenon which has been taking over the modern software and IT landscape is containerization. The use of container technology like Docker has grown dramatically within organizations of all sizes.

But do you know what happens when you marry these two amazing technologies? The result is a massively scalable, robust and flexible infrastructure solution.

  • Do you know what it takes to make cloud computing and containerization technologies work together seamlessly?
  • How do you deploy your code in containers and host it within the AWS cloud environment?
  • How do you secure and scale these containerized applications?
  • How do you publish the apps supported by these technologies?

These are some of the fundamental problems cloud architects struggle with on a daily basis.

This course teaches you, how you can use Docker to package your code, deploy your applications in these portable containers and scale them using AWS ECS service in the AWS cloud.

In this course:

  • You will learn about AWS ECS and how you can configure the AWS ECS environment and integrate it with other AWS services
  • Discuss AWS ECS core features and functionality - in great depth - like Container Agent, Tasks Definitions, Clusters
  • Understand the tight integration between AWS ECS and other AWS services which makes this a very powerful platform. AWS Services IAM, Auto Scaling, ELB, EC2 container registry all work seamlessly with AWS ECS.
  • Finally, you will also learn how you can integrate AWS ECS with a sophisticated CICD pipeline using Jenkins.

if you are serious about architecting, deploying and operating containers and clusters in the AWS cloud then this course is for you.

These cloud and DevOps skills are in great demand, but theres no easy way to acquire this knowledge. Rather than rely on hit and trial method, this course will provide you with all the information you need to get started with your interoperability requirements.

Startups and technology companies pay big bucks for cloud engineers and contracts with the talent to set up elaborate cloud infrastructure required for today's global audience. They demand knowledge and experience in these cloud technologies.

When you become skilled at these technologies - you can demand top dollar for your abilities.

  • Do you want the skills to be highly sought after?
  • Do you want your career to touch cloud 9?

Did you answer, Absolutely to that question? If so, then our new training program AWS MasterClass:Run And Manage Containers In Cloud With AWS ECS is for you.

Look, if you're serious about becoming an expert cloud engineer and generating a greater income for you and your family, its time to take action.

Imagine getting that promotion which youve been promised for the last two presidential terms. Imagine getting chased by recruiters looking for skilled and experienced engineers by companies that are desperately seeking help. We call those good problems to have. :-)

Imagine getting a massive bump in your income because of your newly-acquired, in-demand skills.

Thats what we want for you. If thats what you want for yourself, click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our AWS MasterClass:Run And Manage Containers In Cloud With AWS ECS.

Lets do this together!

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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