Course details
You want to pass AWS Certified Solution Architect ?
You want to pass AWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) - Associate Exam?
If yes then this course is for You !
Do you know because of Amazon AWS Jeff Bezos is the Richest Person of the World! So think about the opportunity do you have if you know AWS.
According to Glassdore the average salary of AWS Certified Solution Architect is $119,233.
So it is a good time to grab the opportunity!
In this course we will cover all the basics of Amazon AWS and also:
- AWS Basics
- Account Creation
- EC2
- S3
- Amazon Glacier
- Route 53
- Elastic Load Balancing.
- Auto Scaling
Let's Have a look into our Full Course Curriculum:
- 1 What is Cloud Computing?
- 2 Types of Cloud.
- 3 Cloud Service Models.
- 4 Advantages of Cloud Computing.
- 5 Disadvantages of Cloud Computing.
- 6 Introduction to AWS.
- 7 AWS Fundamentals.
- 8 AWS Cloud Computing Platform & Accessing it.
- 1 Prerequisite to Create AWS Account.
- 2 Steps to Create AWS Account.
- 3 Steps to Login to AWS Account.
- 4 Steps to Create a User using AWS IAM.
- 1 Introduction to Amazon S3
- 2 Advantages of S3 & Bucket Restriction.
- 3 Rules for Bucket Naming.
- 4 RRS (Reduced Redundancy Storage) and Bucket Policy.
- 5 Real Time Scenario of Bucket Policy for IAM User
- 6 Managing Access with ACLs.
- 7 Versioning and Operations of S3.
- 8 AWS S3 Storage Classes.
- 9 AWS CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) Sharing.
- 10 Lifecycle Configuration & AWS S3 Pricings.
- 11 Demonstration of S3 using Console.
- 12 Demonstration of S3 using CLI (Command Line Arguments).
- 13 Demonstration of S3 using JavaScript APIs.
- 14 Steps to Host a Static Website on AWS S3.
- 1 Introduction to AWS Glacier.
- 2 Vault & Archive Glacier Data Model.
- 3 Job & Notification Configuration Glacier Data Model.
- 4 Supported Operation in Amazon Glacier.
- 5 Demonstration of Glacier using AWS CLI.
- 6 AWS Glacier Console.
- 1 Introduction to Amazon EC2.
- 2 Features of Amazon EC2.
- 3 Amazon Machine Image.
- 4 Instances.
- 5 Storage of Instance.
- 6 Block Device Mapping Concepts.
- 7 AMI Block Device Mapping.
- 8 Instance Block Device Mapping.
- 9 Stopping an instance.
- 10 Terminating an instance.
- 11 Regions and Availability Zones.
- 12 Important Points of Region and Availability Zone.
- 13 Instance Types.
- 14 T2 and Compute Optimized Instances.
- 15 Memory Optimized Instances.
- 16 Storage Optimized Instances.
- 17 Linux Accelerated Computing Instances.
- 18 Instance Purchasing Options. (Started by Snowball Microphone.)
- 19 Reserved Instances.
- 20 Reserved Instance Limits.
- 21 Schedules Reserved Instances.
- 22 How Schedule Instance Work and Schedule Instance Lifecycle.
- 23 Schedule Instance Limits.
- 24 Spot Instances.
- 25 Concepts of Spot Instances.
- 26 How Spot Instances work.
- 27 Spot Instance Limits.
- 28 Dedicated Hosts
- 29 Dedicated Hosts Limitation & Restriction.
- 30 Dedicated Instances.
- 31 Instance Lifecycle.
- 32 Instance Launch, Start & Stop State.
- 33 Reboot & Termination Instance State.
- 34 Amazon EC2 Key Pair.
- 35 Creation & deletion of EC2 Key Pair. 1
- 36 How to Covert .pem to .ppk key Pair. 2
- 37 Amazon EC2 Security Groups.
- 38 EC2 Security Group Rules.
- 39 Working with Security Groups.
- 40 Controlling Access to Amazon EC2.
- 41 Amazon EC2 & Amazon VPC.
- 42 Benefits of VPC.
- 43 Elastic IP Addresses.
- 44 Elastic IP Address Basics.
- 45 Working with Elastic IP Addresses
- 46 Elastic Network Interfaces.
- 47 Placement Groups.
- 48 Placement Group Limitations.
- 49 How to Create Placement Group and Launch Instance in Placement Group.
- 50 Demonstration of Launching SAS Software using AWS Marketplace AMI.
- 51 Demonstration of Hosting Jenkins on AWS EC2.
- 52 Demonstration of creating AWS EC2 using Management Console.
- 53 Demonstration of creating AWS EC2 using AWS CLI.
- 1 Introduction to Amazon EC2.
- 2 Features of Amazon EC2.
- 3 Amazon Machine Image.
- 4 Instances.
- 5 Storage of Instance.
- 6 Block Device Mapping Concepts.
- 7 AMI Block Device Mapping.
- 8 Instance Block Device Mapping.
- 9 Stopping an instance.
- 10 Terminating an instance.
- 11 Regions and Availability Zones.
- 12 Important Points of Region and Availability Zone.
- 13 Instance Types.
- 14 T2 and Compute Optimized Instances.
- 15 Memory Optimized Instances.
- 16 Storage Optimized Instances.
- 17 Linux Accelerated Computing Instances.
- 18 Instance Purchasing Options.
- 19 Reserved Instances.
- 20 Reserved Instance Limits.
- 21 Schedules Reserved Instances.
- 22 How Schedule Instance Work and Schedule Instance Lifecycle.
- 23 Schedule Instance Limits.
- 24 Spot Instances.
- 25 Concepts of Spot Instances.
- 26 How Spot Instances work.
- 27 Spot Instance Limits.
- 28 Dedicated Hosts.
- 29 Dedicated Hosts Limitation & Restriction.
- 30 Dedicated Instances.
- 31 Instance Lifecycle.
- 32 Instance Launch, Start & Stop State.
- 33 Reboot & Termination Instance State.
- 34 Amazon EC2 Key Pair.
- 35 Creation & deletion of EC2 Key Pair.
- 36 How to Covert .pem to .ppk key Pair.
- 37 Amazon EC2 Security Groups.
- 38 EC2 Security Group Rules.
- 39 Working with Security Groups.
- 40 Controlling Access to Amazon EC2.
- 41 Amazon EC2 & Amazon VPC.
- 42 Benefits of VPC.
- 43 Elastic IP Addresses.
- 44 Elastic IP Address Basics.
- 45 Working with Elastic IP Addresses.
- 46 Elastic Network Interfaces.
- 47 Placement Groups.
- 48 Placement Group Limitations.
- 49 How to Create Placement Group and Launch Instance in Placement Group.
- 50 Demonstration of Launching SAS Software using AWS Marketplace AMI.
- 51 Demonstration of Hosting Jenkins on AWS EC2.
- 52 Demonstration of creating AWS EC2 using Management Console.
- 53 Demonstration of creating AWS EC2 using AWS CLI.
- 1 Overview of Amazon VPC.
- 2 Basics of VPC, Subnets and Supported Platforms.
- 3 Default & Non default VPCs.
- 4 Accessing Instances from Internet.
- 5 Accessing AWS EC2 Instance from Corporate or Home Network.
- 6 VPC and Subnets Basics.
- 7 VPC and Subnet Sizing for IPv4 and IPv6. (done upto this)
- 8 Subnet Security.
- 9 Working with VPC and Subnets.
- 10 IP Addressing in VPC.
- 11 Private IPv4 Addresses.
- 12 Public IPv4 Addresses.
- 13 IPv6 Addresses.
- 14 Security in VPC.
- 15 Basics of Security Groups.
- 16 Working with Security Groups.
- 17 Network ACL Basics.
- 18 Network ACL Rules
- 19 Default Network ACL
- 20 Working with Network ACLs
- 21 VPC Flow Logs.
- 22 Flow Logs Basics.
- 23 Flow Log Limitations.
- 24 Working with Flow Logs.
- 25 Elastic Network Interfaces.
- 26 Route Table Basics.
- 27 Main and Custom Route Table.
- 28 Route Table Association.
- 29 Internet Gateway and Enabling Internet Access.
- 30 Architecture and Creation of Internet Gateway & attaching it to VPC.
- 31 NAT (Network Address Translation).
- 32 NAT Gateway Basics.
- 33 NAT Gateway Characteristics.
- 34 Architecture of VPC with NAT Gateway and Working with NAT Gateway
- 35 Amazon VPC Limits.
- 36 AWS Virtual Private Cloud Pricings.
- 37 Demonstration of creating VPC and it's all other Components using AWS Console.
- 1 What is Elastic Load Balancer?
- 2 Architecture of Amazon ELB.
- 3 Features of Elastic Load Balancer.
- 4 How Elastic Load Balancing works.
- 5 Concepts of Amazon ELB.
- 6 Concepts of Load Balancer Scheme.
- 7 Application Load Balancer Overview.
- 8 Components of Application Load Balancer.
- 9 Benefits of Application Load Balancer.
- 10 Getting Started with Application Load Balancers.
- 11 Load Balancer Security Group, State and Attributes.
- 12 Changing the IP Address Type, Deletion Protection and Idle Timeout of Elastic Load Balancer.
- 13 Create an Application Load Balancer.
- 14 Listeners for Application Load Balancer.
- 15 Target Groups for your Application Load Balancer.
- 16 Limits for your Application Load Balancer.
- 17 Network Load Balancer Overview.
- 18 Benefits of Network Load Balancer.
- 19 Getting started with Network Load Balancer.
- 20 Description of Network Load Balancer.
- 21 Limits for Network Load Balancer.
- 22 Classic Load Balancer Overview.
- 23 Benefits of Classic Load Balancer.
- 24 Tutorial of How to Create a Classic Load Balancer.
- 25 Public DNS Names for your Load Balancer.
- 26 Registered Instances for your Classic Load Balancer.
- 27 Limits for your Classic Load Balancer.
- 28 AWS Elastic Load Balancing Pricings
- 1 What is Auto Scaling and Architecture of Auto Scaling?
- 2 Benefits of Auto Scaling.
- 3 Scaling In and Scaling Out of Auto Scaling Lifecycle.
- 4 Attach, Detach & Lifecycle Hook of Auto Scaling.
- 5 Getting Started with Auto Scaling Group.
- 6 Set Up a Scaled and Load-Balanced Application.
- 7 Tutorial on Launch Configuration (Creation of Launch Configuration using AWS CLI, Changing Launch Configuration for Auto Scaling)
- 8 Tutorial on Auto Scaling Groups (Creation of Auto Scaling Group using AWS CLI and EC2 Instance details)
- 9 Scaling the Size of your Auto Scaling Group.
- 10 Concept of Scaling Plans.
- 11 Maintaining the number of Instance in Auto Scaling Group.
- 12 Walk through the demonstration of creating Manual Scaling.
- 13 Walk through the demonstration of creating Scheduled Scaling.
- 14 Concept of Dynamic Scaling.
- 15 How to create an Auto Scaling Group with Step Scaling Policies.
- 16 Concept of Target Tracking Scaling Policies.
- 17 How to Create an Auto Scaling Group with Target Tracking Scaling Policies.
- 18 Concept of Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks.
- 19 How to Create a Lifecycle Hook for an Auto Scaling Group.
- 20 Concept of Temporarily removing Instances from Auto Scaling Group.
- 21 Temporarily Remove the Instance from Auto Scaling Group using Console and AWS CLI.
- 22 Concept of Suspending and Resuming Auto Scaling Processes.
- 23 Auto Scaling Limits.
- 1 What is IAM?
- 2 AWS IAM Features.
- 3 How to Access AWS IAM.
- 4 Overview of Identity Management.
- 5 Overview of Access Management.
- 6 Quick Links to Common IAM Tasks
- 7 Get Started to AWS IAM.
- 8 How IAM Users Sign In to your Account.
- 9 Tutorial on Create and Attach First Customer Managed Policy.
- 10 IAM Best Practices Part 1.
- 11 IAM Best Practices Part 2.
- 12 Identities (Users, Groups and Roles).
- 13 Creating an IAM User AWS Console and AWS CLI.
- 14 Managing the IAM Users.
- 15 Creating IAM Group using AWS Console and AWS CLI.
- 16 Managing IAM Groups.
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