Udemy AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Domain 2 Udemy
Price: USD 125
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Passing the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Certification can be a daunting task. If you are looking for a comprehensive guide to understand Monitoring, Metrics, and Logging in AWS, then this course is the perfect solution, covering detailed aspects of Domain 2 and teaching you about the data analysis aspects needed in AWS. The course provides a deep understanding of the principles of Data Logging & AWS CloudWatch, crucial portions of the syllabus. This course teaches you all the tips and tricks you'll need to land your dream job as a DevOps Engineer.

By taking this course, you will master Domain 2 of the Certification, so you can confidently tackle the exam, a major milestone in becoming a Certified DevOps engineer!

About the Author

Zeal Vora works as a DevSecOps Engineer primarily in the Defensive Security. He spends his days protecting and implementing security controls to help mitigate attacks both on the Cloud and servers. He is actively involved in security consultation, helping various startups which have been breached to overcome the breach and start again with a secure infrastructure.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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