Udemy AutoCAD 2D and Autocad Electrical 2017 for beginners Udemy
Price: USD 110

    Course details

    This course can be taken by students who already have AutoCAD Electrical 2015, 2016 or 2017.

    At the end of this course, you will be able to draw maps for all facilities, make electrical wiring for each map, and design an electrical panel that controls all the electrical installments of a facility. Plus, you will be able to draw a 2D design from scratch.

    This course is dedicated for absolute beginners in any AutoCAD software.

    We will start with an introduction about AutoCAD and how to download it, then we will learn the basics of 2D drawings (including all the tools like lines, polylines, circles, offset, trim, fillet, chamfer, and more). And we will create advanced 2D shapes as exercises.

    The second part of this course, is about electrical wiring, and panels.

    Updated on 05 March, 2018
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