Course details

Aurelia is a modern, forward-thinking, conventions-based JavaScript framework that leverages web standards. Aurelia itself is developed using ES2016 and comprises smaller, focused modules.

This video course starts by ensuring you have a basic understanding of Aurelia, walking you through a todo list application and setting up the development environment. We 'll take you through a modern web application and move on to talk about tools, modules, web standards, and testing.

Moving on, we take you on a whirlwind tour of Aurelia's features in order to create a todo application project. After that, you'll get an understanding of how to persist todos, routing, using pub/sub for communications. At the end, we throw light on dependency injection, declarative registration, explicit registration, and resolvers.

This course will provide you with step-by-step practical knowledge of how to develop an application using Aurelia web development.

About the Author: 

Raja Mani :

Over 2 decades of experience in developing applications using C, C++, Java, C# and JavaScript
• Designed, implemented and deployed different types of applications like console, desktop, web services and web applications
• Mentored my team members on the bleeding edge technologies.

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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