Course details
Arduino is an open-source microcontrollerused for building electronics projects. Since it arrived on the scent,Arduino completely revolutionized DIY electronics, making it possible for artists, teenagers and hobbyists to create a vast array of projects which interact with people and the environment.
This course is a product of my 5 years of playing and teaching with Arduino's. The learning sequence of
Sections 1-3 introduceArduino andbuild student confidence by first learning how to… + Read More
Course details
Arduino is an open-source microcontrollerused for building electronics projects. Since it arrived on the scent,Arduino completely revolutionized DIY electronics, making it possible for artists, teenagers and hobbyists to create a vast array of projects which interact with people and the environment.
This course is a product of my 5 years of playing and teaching with Arduino's. The learning sequence of
Sections 1-3 introduceArduino andbuild student confidence by first learning how to just build circuits and afterwards how to write programs.
Section 4teaches the fundamentals of analog circuits and applies those to sound sensors, temperature sensors, light mixers and musical instruments.
Section 5 takes on digital circuits, starting withbutton inputs being used to create sound effects, memory games, guessing games with a 7 segment display and measure human reaction time.
Section 6is all about installing and usingsensor libraries with Gyro Accelerometer Circuits and Remote Control Circuits.
Section 7Wraps up the course with some spectacular visualizations of sensor outputs using a software called Processing.
Updated on 14 November, 2018 - Read Less