Udemy Arduino Robotics for Kids & Parents: Step by Step Udemy
Price: USD 30
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

#Best selling Robotics course for Kids, Parents & Beginners#Added anew lectureon 23.02.2018

Be a Technology Creator Today !!! Discoverthe scientist in you.

Are youexcited to create something immediately without getting into too muchsubject theory which bores you? Then you have landed at the right course.

#30 days money back Guarantee

Learn Theory whileapplying them

Start learning by applyingthe fundamentals instead of learning the long theories first. The course has been deliberately kept shortto deliveroutcomesquickly &we have knowinglyskipped few concepts which are not necessary while startingbut are learning barriers to start enjoying technology.You will learn conceptsto understand the electronics or science behind every item, Circuit designing & building circuits from scratch, logic building for programming Arduinobut be assured that you will start building Arduino applications from the very first session. Believe me Robotics is for everyone and you are going to make it a kids stuff duringthis course.

Easy to use, learn 2 softwaretogether

You will use a Scratch basedprogrammingplatform which makes it easy for the learners to start writing programs immediately. You will learn different programming concepts like for loop, while loop, if & elsestatements but in an easy way.You can also learn thecoding & its syntaxusedinArduino IDE as the software generates IDE codes too.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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