Udemy Applied Machine Learning and Deep Learning with R Udemy
Price: USD 125
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

In this course, we will examine in detail the R software, which is the most popular statistical programming language of recent years.

You will start with exploring different learning methods, clustering, classification, model evaluation methods and performance metrics. From there, you will dive into the general structure of the clustering algorithms and develop applications in the R environment by using clustering and classification algorithms for real-life problems Next, you will learn to use general definitions about artificial neural networks, and the concept of deep learning will be introduced. The elements of deep learning neural networks, types of deep learning networks, frameworks used for deep learning applications will be addressed and applications will be done with R TensorFlow package. Finally, you will dive into developing machine learning applications with SparkR, and learn to make distributed jobs on SparkR.

About the Author

OlgunAydin is PhD candidate at Department of Statistics, Mimar Sinan University. He has been working on Deep Learning for his PhD thesis. Also working as Data Scientist.He is so familiar with Big Data technologies like Hadoop, Spark and able to use Hive, Impala. He is a big fan of R. Also he really loves to work with Shiny, SparkR.He has many academic papers and proceedings about applications of statistics on different disciplines. Mr. Olgun really loves statistic and loves to investigate new methods, share his experience with people.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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