Course details
WELCOME TO MY "Build Angular 2 Complement -E-Commerce App - Java, Spring, MySQL"!
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This is a course about building a E-Commerce website using LatestAngular 2 and Java ,Spring Framework Ecosystem, MySQLtechnologies and more. Specifically, it's about building anonline bookstore.
You can consider this course as a sister course of my other one - "Complete E-Commerce Course - Java,Spring,Hibernate and MySQL". They are sisters… + Read More
Course details
WELCOME TO MY "Build Angular 2 Complement -E-Commerce App - Java, Spring, MySQL"!
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This is a course about building a E-Commerce website using LatestAngular 2 and Java ,Spring Framework Ecosystem, MySQLtechnologies and more. Specifically, it's about building anonline bookstore.
You can consider this course as a sister course of my other one - "Complete E-Commerce Course - Java,Spring,Hibernate and MySQL". They are sisters because the functionalities and layout are pretty similar to each other while the architecture are quite different. The other course uses Thymeleaf as the template engine (an official template engine adopted by Spring Framework) and is coupled to the backend.
In this course's approach, we make the web app RESTful.This approach is becoming popular in the modern trend. While the front-end can be developed with different frameworks, and we choose Angular 2, the backend is decoupled from front-end providing REST APIs as resources.
There are Pros and Cons for both of the architectures and it's better for you to go through them by yourself.
Regarding the bookstore app, themodules developed in the course is similar for all E-Commerce website. Those modules contains:
- User Signup and Login
- User profile management
- Product Management
- Shopping Cart
- Order checkout and order history
- Automatic email confirmation
As you can see, those modules are the basics for pretty much any E-Commerce website.Check out the preview lesson for aquick tour of the website!
Why should I take this course?
Because you probably won't find another course out there onsimilar topic with similar length and detail.This course covers a wide rangeof topics on building an e-commerce website. It is a step-by-step guide with most of the code hand typing.
There are students from my other courses complaining that if I copy and paste the code and then explain it, tough it can save some time,students will lose track and drive. That's why I'm developing stuff in this course from scratch and step-by-step.
What does the technology stack look like ?
As this is a full stack development project, we will develop the code for bothfront-end and backend. A considerable amount of work will be on developing the front-end code using latest Angular 2,HTML, CSS, TypeScript,bootstrap and etc. The backend side will be using latest Spring technologies -Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data and etc. Then, we will have MySQL as database. MySQL is powerful and free to use and serves as a good database candidate in plenty of commercial apps out there.
Will I get the source code?
Source code and database scripts are provided in the very beginning of the course. Besides, throughout each lesson (I would say most lessons), the source code will be provided to the progress of the lesson. Yet, Istill suggest you to develop with me and take the source code as a reference.
What will I get by the end of the course?
This course shows an example of building an E-Commerce app from scratch. By the end of the course, you will get exposed to various topics and building modules that you need for a basic E-Commerce web app. With the hands-on practice, you will gain a lot of experience that is beyond just the theory.
Updated on 14 November, 2018 - Read Less