Course details

Course Summary

With over 50 videos and 7 hours of content, this online Android training course is designed to build upon Android Programming I, Android Programming II, and Android Programming III to expand your knowledge of Android programming. First you will learn how to persist application data using both Preferences and files. Then you will learn how to store and retrieve structured data using SQLite database on Android. Finally you will learn how to connect your data to your app's UI using Adapters and Adapter views. This course is current to Android 4.2 Jelly Bean.

Hands On Learning

Unlike other online training courses, you are encouraged to actively participate in the learning experience by running example files during lectures and performing coding challenges during labs. Each lab session includes review videos so you can compare your solution to the instructor's.

Bonus Content

This training course comes complete with working example and lab solution files as well as a link to optionally purchase the workbook used in the video at a discount.

About the Instructor

Rob Roselius is an experienced instructor and expert programmer. He has taught over 300 classes to programmers from companies like Hewlett-Packard, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing. Rob's subject matter knowledge will give you confidence in the material you are learning and applying.

Some recent comments about Rob's classes:

  • "He was a great teacher, I liked that he gave up background on why the commands worked how they did."
  • "Rob was great! We had a wonderful time over the course of our week and I feel that I was able to learn a lot that will springboard me further and faster in to the world of Linux."
  • "Rob was very professional. He was also funny and related the content in the real world."
Updated on 08 November, 2015
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