Udemy Android Game Programming & Development for Beginners Udemy
Price: USD 95
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

This video course is all about offering you a fun introduction to the world of game programming, Android, and the Java language using two fun, fully-playable games. These games are a retro Breakout/Arkanoid type game and the all-time classic, Space Invaders.

  • We will start with the very basics of Java programming, including setting up the development environment, variables, loops, conditions, methods and Object Oriented Programming.
  • Next up we will tackle the Breakout game as well as introducing more advanced Java concepts like arrays, threads and interfaces. Finally (for now ;-)) we will take on the more complicated Space Invaders game
  • If you know Java but have never used Android Studio then the course introduces you the basics of Android development as well. If you already know Java and Android but just want to learn to make games then start at section 2 of the course
Updated on 14 November, 2018
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