Udemy Android Applications Architecture Udemy
Price: USD 100
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Welcome to advanced Android applications architecture course. Here you'll learn to develop clean Android applications, optimized for long-term maintenance and robustness.

Android powers more than two billion devices and it's relatively easy to develop small Android apps. However, when it comes to clean, readable and maintainable applications that will stand the test of time, things tend to get very difficult and unclear.

Unfortunately, Android developers usually learn the hard way how quickly Android apps can turn into tightly coupled mess, bogged down with classes that contain thousands lines of unreadable code.

It turns out that the only way to go fast and keep your Android app maintainable in the long term is to be mindful about its design and architecture at all times. Fortunately for Android developers, much knowledge in this context has already been captured in the form of so-called architectural patterns.

That's what this course is all about: the most advanced architectural patterns for professional Android development.


You'll learn about MVx family of presentation layer architectural patterns (MVC, MVP, MVVM, etc.) and understand how they benefit your apps. Then, we'll derive the most advanced MVx pattern for Android development from the first principles of good design and architecture.

Clean Architecture

In this course we will touch upon the most important concepts of so-called "Clean Architecture" school of though. Specifically, you'll learn how to implement "use cases" (also known as "interactors"), structure application's packages according to its architecture and manage inter-dependencies between components.

Dependency Injection

Since this course concerns software architecture, it would be incomplete without a discussion of dependency injection architectural pattern. I will show you how to implement so-called Pure Dependency Injection in your Android apps without any third-party frameworks, and then explain how it integrates with MVx for the maximal architectural benefits.

  • Professional grade design and architecture for Android applications

  • Optimized for experienced Android developers

  • Concise

  • Hands-on exercises

  • Source code of tutorial app on GitHub with step-by-step commits history for easy review

Throughout the course I'll highlight many important design and architectural trade-offs which you'll need to consider as a professional Android developer. These seemingly small and often overlooked trade-offs can make a difference between clean and maintainable applications and tightly coupled, unmaintainable code.

We will conclude the course with a general discussion of the goals, the benefits and the scope of the software architecture. This will allow you to grasp the bigger picture and understand what's required of professional software developers in context of real-world projects.

Students who took this course found it interesting, insightful and practically useful:

: "In one word: amazing! The best course in android architectural design seen so far."

: "With the help of this course, I'm confident that I can make my future apps better."

: "Wow!! I will not be able to praise this course enough. Take it and see it for yourself. You won't regret!"

This course is a culmination of my extensive research into Android applications design and architecture. All the concepts and techniques you'll learn here have already been tested in real-life apps and proved themselves over the years in professional Android projects.

So, enroll now and take your design and architecture skills to the next level. I can't wait to see you inside.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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