Udemy Analog electronic circuit designs In Simple Words Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    This course draws a guiding line between learning the concept and quantifying it, electronics is not as difficult as many students and people  think it is or believe so  because of the laws, math and equations involved. Being so concerned about describing the system mathematically mystifies and drives  students away from  seeing the intuitive simplicity behind electronic circuit designs .In most courses you are taught to calculate voltage, voltage drop,current and power doing node analysis or mesh analysis , but in any of them you probably never figured out what that circuit really does. This course does exactly this, it provides a solid understanding of what circuit designs purpose are and their applications in real life walking you through the design process step by step.

    I am absolutely sure everyone can understand in simple English any complicated ideas of any kind  if explained very well and crystal clear , which is the job I took on my shoulders in building this course . This course is probably is what you always wanted  or wished your professor to tell you before anything at all. You definitely do not want to ignore a course that will make you stand out among your peers 

    .Have you ever heard someone saying electronics is really not that difficult ? well, taking this course will  make you feel the same for sure .

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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