Udemy ALGEBRA Basics Review - a Step-by-Step course Udemy
Price: USD 20
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Hi my name is Olu Sanya and I welcome you to this ALGEBRABasics Reviewcourse. The # 1 question I get from students in our TestPrep Classes is, OLU how do I start the question? I have designed this ALGEBRAReview course with that question in mind;In this course, you will learn how to start & completely solve 10 ofthe most commonly asked topicson tests like theSAT, ACT, GRE & GMAT as well asgeneral high school math classes. You don't have to worry if you have forgotten all the Algebra you were in school, in this course, I assume you know nothing so I take my time to break every question down as I start from the basics. Checkout the free videos.

Textbook required for this course

  • NO TEXTBOOKis needed for this course
  • All Quizzes are available online and the links are included in this course when you buy it.

Included when you buy this Course

  • I assume you know nothing, so I take time to breakdown each questions carefully.
  • 30ALGEBRABasics Reviewstep-by-stepsolutionVideos
  • Over 650ALGEBRABasics Review Quizzes questions
  • 4 hrs of pure ALGEBRAFUN!!!

Study Plan

  1. Change video setting to "1080p" button at bottom right of Video for improved Video quality
  2. Watch each of my Lesson videos,then do the quizzes at the end of each Lesson
Updated on 14 November, 2018
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