Udemy AI Machine Learning Complete Course: for PHP & Python Devs Udemy
Price: USD 200
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Become an AI &Machine Learning developer, one of employer's most requested skills for 2018/2019!

Add value to your solutions and products, it is time to start using AI&Machine Learning now!

This course is different than any other AIor Machine Learning course; it requires no prior knowledge in AI or Machine Learning before, and you will be able to have your own AIMachine Learning application up and running right after the course.

This course is straight-forward, practical, and gives you all what you need to start your career in Machine Learning and Data Science. If you are a developer, programmer, technical student, manager, team leader, and you have not explored AIand Machine Learning before, this course is the best, most exciting, and complete course for you.

Examples of how you can build applications that identifies a string language, identify colors, identify human actions "like jump, sleep, anger, sadness etc." in a video, identify if a tweet or a Facebook post is positive or negative, that are all a few examples of what you can do in this course, all explained and you can do it all by yourself during the step by stop journey in this course.

This course will make all AIconcepts, terminology, and approaches clear for you, so you understand how everything around you is going, and takes you in a series of a very interesting hands-on step by step examples on how to build amazing AIapplications.

Premium resources you get:

  • Exclusive membership to our growing invitation only "EarlyBirdClub"Slack community, where you can discuss and engage with course authors, your course colleagues, and a group of technology geeks, entrepreneurs and business owners.

  • PowerPoint presentation used in the video, and you can freely edit it and use it.

  • Full source code for all examples in the course including training data used for machine learning.

The following topics are covered:

  • AI

  • Rule &Logic Based AI

  • Machine Learning

  • Machine Learning Types(Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforced, etc.)

  • Machine Learning Algorithms

  • Neural Networks &Deep Neural Networks

  • Deep Learning

  • PHP Step by Step Examples

  • Python Step by Step Examples

  • Language Detection

  • Color Detection

  • Human Actions Identification in Videos

  • General String Classification

  • Handling numerical data, string data, image data, voice data, and video data.

  • PHP-ML

  • scikit-learn

  • numpy

  • TensorFlow

  • TensorFlow Hub

  • Neural Networks Math Step by Step

  • And Much More!

You will get lifetime access to over 60 lectures and many articles & resources.

So what are you waiting for? Learn AI&Machine Learning in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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