Course details
This is an advanced IELTS Writing Course that covers Task 2 of the IELTS Writing exam - the 250 word essay. Many students that may already have fairly good English often struggle to achieve an 8 in this difficult component and this course simplifies how to excel in this part of the exam by illustrating the 'Melbourne English Writing Process'.
The instructor leads the students through the 8 Steps by completing 4 perfect 9 band answers to 4 different types of question - The Opinion, The Discussion, The Problem Solution and The Two Part Question.
Part 1 is an overview of the 8 Step 'Melbourne English Writing Process' and the IELTS Writing exam, explaining the 4 key areas that IELTS examiners grade and how to maximize your grade in each area.
Part 2 of the course explains the 8 Steps with explanation overview videos followed by practical application and answering an IELTS 'Opinion' type question.
Part 3 goes through the 8 Step Process again, this time with a 'Discursive' question type. Another 9 band answer is crafted and written for this different topic and question type.
Part 4 deals with the 'Problem Solution' type question and the instructor guides the student through the process of dealing with this style of essay.
Part 5 examines the 'Two Part Question' typology and another 9 band perfect essay is written by walking through the same 8 Steps of the Process.
This course is aimed at advanced students seeking 8 or 9 in IELTS Writing so it may be difficult for beginner or lower intermediate students to follow. After completing this course students will be able to apply the 8 Techniques of the 'Melbourne English Writing Process' to any Task 2 essay question and write an excellent essay in the IELTS exam.
Updated on 25 April, 2018- Functional Skills English The Teachers TrainingUSD 13
USD 260Duration: Upto 3 Hours - IELTS Exam Preparation John AcademyUSD 26
USD 286Duration: Upto 4 Hours