New Horizons - Doha Adobe Acrobat Training New Horizons - Doha
Price: QAR 600

Course details

Workplace demand for digital media skills including creating, managing, and integrating PDF documents is on the rise. Adobe Acrobat training from New Horizons Doha is an excellent way to learn and validate your digital communication skills. This brings value to prospective clients and employers.

Learn and master Adobe Acrobat with New Horizons Doha hands-on Acrobat training courses. Our Adobe Acrobat classes are task-based and focus on real-world uses and challenges individuals face in their day to day work environments.

Adobe Acrobat Training Courses, Doha Adobe Acrobat is a family of computer programs developed by Adobe Systems, designed to view, create, manipulate and manage files in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). Some software in the family is commercial, and some is freeware.

Adobe Reader is available as a no-charge download from Adobe's web site, and allows the viewing and printing of PDF files. Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a way to present information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication.


  • Creating PDF documents 
  • Navigating content of a PDF document 
  • Validating and reviewing PDF files 
  • Preparing PDF documents for commercial printing 
  • Designing interactive PDF forms

Updated on 23 November, 2016

About New Horizons - Doha

New Horizons Doha offers an extensive selection of vendor-authorized training classes for top technology providers like Adobe, Cisco, Citrix, Microsoft, and VMware.
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  • Application Courses - Beginner to advanced skills in major business applications
  • Technical Skills Courses - Designed to advance your IT skills
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