Course details
Modes have often been "scary" subject matter for many of my students over the years. This is mostly attributed to it repeatedly being taughtin a theoretical manner with little application and context. This can leave students and would be learners stumped, intimidated and often unmotivated.
My course is all about creating an understanding of "hearing" the mode and the "mood" that is created when you hear it.It mayeven help you with the kinds ofmoods you are trying to convey in your compositions.
In this course we'll cover the 7 modes as 1 octave scales, to covering the whole fretboard, as well as creating lead licks and understanding modal chord progressions.
Updated on 14 November, 2018- Guitar Effects Pedals Volume 1 Study 365USD 32
USD 227Duration: Upto 4 Hours - Machine Learning Diploma Lead AcademyUSD 26
USD 390Duration: Upto 12 Hours