Course details
¡Updated January 2016!
You might have heard that teaching abroad is a way to take advantageof being a native English speaker in order to see the world, meet newpeople and even get paid? Well it is all true! This step-by-stepcourse is the perfect way to find a program that is right for yourbackground and goals.
Beinga native English speaker means that you have a ticket abroad, whetherthat is volunteering for a few weeks in Latin America or teachingfull-time in China. We will show you… + Read More
Course details
¡Updated January 2016!
You might have heard that teaching abroad is a way to take advantageof being a native English speaker in order to see the world, meet newpeople and even get paid? Well it is all true! This step-by-stepcourse is the perfect way to find a program that is right for yourbackground and goals.
Beinga native English speaker means that you have a ticket abroad, whetherthat is volunteering for a few weeks in Latin America or teachingfull-time in China. We will show you how it is possible to travel theglobe even if you do not have any teaching certifications or previousexperience. Our high-level overview helps to break down the differentways to get abroad as quickly and easily as possible.
Webroke down this process into 5 simple, easy to digest steps:
1.Identifying your Teacher Profile
2.Finding a Program or Institute
3.Getting Prepared for the Adventure
4.Getting off the Plane
5. Enjoying your Stay
Toassist you as we go through this process step-by-step, we haveincluded worksheets and checklists so that you can follow along withthe video lectures, effectively finishing the course with apersonalized plan based upon your situation and objectives.
I have been living abroad for the past 6years, initially starting with a volunteer program and theneventually branched out to private classes and working with institutes. In order to help others get out there and start travelingas well, I worked together with a team of 3 teachers from variousbackgrounds who have collectively taught in 4 continents and 9different countries to create this curriculum as we wanted to coverall the things we wish we had known before starting our teachingabroad journey.
Updated on 22 March, 2018 - Read Less