Udemy 10 Guaranteed Ways to Monetize Your Content on YouTube Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    Welcome to my 10-lecture course detailing how to successfully generate revenue with your YouTube videos. First off, a little about me...

    With 8+ years of experience on YouTube, I currently hold 113,000+ subscribers with a total of 34+ million video views. Having created 1,500+ videos since joining YouTube in 2006, I have gained a ton of experience in the process -- especially in regards to discovering new revenue opportunities that not everyone is aware of.

    Most users decide to focus on the obvious methods of generating revenue. While I do explain some of these methods in my course, I also talk about the lesser known strategies.

    My course's videos are presented in an easy-to-view format, meaning they are short and to the point. Any links referenced can be conveniently found in the specific lecture's resources.

    At the end of the course, students will have the opportunity to promote their YouTube videos for free. This is simply my way of thanking anyone who has taken the time to learn what I have to offer.

    I sincerely hope everyone enjoys my course! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or feedback.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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