• Year of establishment: 2004
  • No. of full-time trainers: 10
  • Registered authority: CQI-IRCA
  • Training format provided: On-site/In-house/Company-specific

Can travel to 4 locations

UAE Saudi Arabia Bahrain Pakistan

Why choose Resource Inspections Canada Incorporated (RICI) - Pakistan

RICI is a multi-disciplined CQI and IRCA (UK) Approved Trainer and a Certification Body associated with IAS (US). We are geared towards exceeding customer satisfaction in the fields of ISO Management Training, Auditing, Inspections, Testing and Certification.

RICI operates from different corners of the world, with locations in North America, Asia and Middle East. We are equipped with a diversified team of professionals who are dedicated and committed into rendering quality and excellence.

RICI is the leading provider of CQI and IRCA Certified and other training services in the region, focuses on fostering businesses with their compliance management challenges and preparing their staff to perform services in an extraordinary way.

RICI courses are designed and delivered by our team of great expertise, who with their extensive knowledge are nicely positioned to address the competency needs of your team and to help them carry out their roles effectively and according to regulations. We believe that training should be a extending beyond simply meeting a standard of knowledge.
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