• Year of establishment: 2012
  • No. of full-time trainers: 10
  • Registered authority: Government of Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
  • Registered association memberships: Trainers are registered and certified by SHRM, ABNLP and Thomas Profiling including Institute of Training and Development
  • Training format provided: On-site/In-house/Company-specific
    Executive education

Can travel to 7 locations

India Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia Bahrain UAE

Why choose Ecube Training & Consulting

We are proud to make this statement – we are not a company that ‘trains people’ but ‘transforms people’. We have supported organizations towards excellence across all industries.
Our focus is to develop leadership capacity through a unique ‘inside-out’ approach.
We have over 75 years of cumulative expertise working with a diverse workforce and all our programs have a rating above 8 out of 10 in terms of effectiveness.

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