Company details

A private (family based) leading perfumery company in the UAE since 1950's, Emirati perfume brand that is a creator of the finest fragrances.

Training details

we are interested in having our managers trained on Project Management course (not PMP) in Dubai.

Training purpose:

To gain more knowledge on project management. The managers are aware of certain aspects as they are working on projects

  • Location: Dubai
  • Created: Sep 18, 2017
  • Deadline: Oct 01, 2017
  • Industry/Sector: Perfumery
  • Course level: Intermediate - Advance
  • Trainees level: Senior
  • Training venue: In-house (Dubai)
  • Tentative dates: Earlier Next Month (October)
  • Timings: Part time (working hours)
  • Budget: Open budget
  • Duration: 2 - 3 Days (Depending on the content)
  • Course Category: Project Management
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