Course Q&A
Questions in Nursing, Healthcare and Medical
4 questions
I want something that could qualify me to be considered as a specialty nurse
تمت الإجابة عليه // // 1 الإجابة // Jul 24, 2017 Nursing, Healthcare and Medical
I am looking for any nursing specialty certification courses/program. Example: Certified Diabetes Nurse Educator. I would like to hone my skills and improve in order to have a better opportunity in landing better salaried jobs. Please do recommend me
لم تتم الإجابة عليه // Jan 17, 2018 Healthcare and Medical, Nursing
I am interested in getting a job in the medical field. I would like to take courses related to nursing to enable me get the necessary qualification to work and practise as a nurse. I wish to be enrolled in some of the nursing programmes. I only have a degree in psychology and just complete diploma in child psychology. Please assist me on which course will be suitable for me.
لم تتم الإجابة عليه // Mar 4, 2018 Healthcare and Medical, Nursing