Can I please know the difference between Operations Management and Warehouse Management?

Operations Management , Warehouse // سؤال طرحه Edwin | Nov 1, 2018

1 الإجابة
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  • New direction Training Center- Nov 01, 2018 - 4pm

    Dear Edwin! 
    Thank you for your inquiry.

    We want to inform you that differences between Operations Management and Warehouse Management are Operations management focuses on carefully managing the processes to produce and distribute products and services. Major, overall activities often include product creation, development, production, and distribution. (These activities are also associated with Product and Service Management.) Related activities include managing purchases, inventory control, quality control, storage, logistics and evaluations of processes. But Warehouse management is the control of the day-to-day operations of a warehouse, such as the shipping, receiving, put-away and picking of goods.

    Thank you in advance!

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