Company details

A privately held real estate company. One of the best companies which cater to all types of property needs in Ras Al Khaimah and UAE.

Training details

We are looking to train our staff on Basic First Aid based on the Municipality requirements as soon as possible.

Training purpose:

Looking to train the staff for basic First Aid courses based on the municipality requirements (certificate)

  • الموقع: Ras al Khaimah
  • Created: Oct 11, 2017
  • Deadline: Oct 19, 2017
  • Industry/Sector: Real Estate Agency
  • Course level: Basic
  • Trainees level: Junior - Senior
  • Training venue: In-house at their premises in RAK
  • Tentative dates: October (ASAP)
  • مواعيد الدورة: Full Time
  • Budget: Open Budget
  • مدة الدورة التدريبية: 1 Day
  • Course Category: Health And Safety
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