Company details

A privately held Dubai based organization specializing in innovative architectural solutions with quality environmental and engineering services

Training details

Dubai based company is looking to train 4 of their employees on Revit MEP and Revit Structure course ( 2 for MEP & 2 for Structure). Please share a quotation with details regarding the course, certificate and the trainers profile.

Training purpose:

To gain more experience in the field and become Autodesk certified.

  • الموقع: Dubai
  • Created: Mar 04, 2020
  • Deadline: Mar 08, 2020
  • Industry/Sector: Interior Design
  • Course level: Basic
  • Trainees level: Juinors
  • Training venue: In-House (Dubai)
  • Tentative dates: Within March 2020
  • مواعيد الدورة: Flexible with options
  • Budget: No set budgets yet
  • مدة الدورة التدريبية: Depending on the course content (Full time / Part time classes)
  • Course Category: Media Creative And Design
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