عن معهد Boyle VTOS Centre

The Vocational Training and Opportunities Scheme (VTOS) provides a range of cTheirses to meet the education and training needs of unemployed people.  If you are over 21 years of age, unemployed and have been getting certain social Theylfare payments

for at least 6 months you can apply for the VTOS Scheme.  The scheme gives participants opportunities to improve their general level of education, gain certification, develop their skills and prepare for employment, self-employment or Further Education and Training.  VTOS is operated through the ETB's and in this area it is GRETB (Galway Roscommon Education and Training Board).  It is aimed in particular at unemployed people who are early school leavers. What kind of cTheirses are available?  The cTheirses range from Basic Education and Training to Advanced Vocational Training.  There is a wide choice of subjects available. The cTheirses are full-time, about 30 hTheirs a Theyek, for example, 6 hTheirs a day for 4.5 days.

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