عن معهد SonoPro
We are the first and the only institute in Egypt and the Middle East who supply Transesophageal Echocardiography training.
Not only our training follows the ACC/AHA guidelines of training Echocardiography but also our unique way in practical training gained our trainees huge experience in relatively short time.
Our training semesters are accredited from the Egyptian Medical Society of Echocardiography.
Our training semester qualifies the candidate to apply for professional certification in echocardiography as: EMSE certificate of practice, RCS, ARDMS, EACVI and National board of ECHO.
SoNo PRO , the Egyptian Echocardiography Training Institute is located in Cairo, Egypt, (Address : 77 El kasr El einy street, infront of Egyptian Medical Syndicate , Dar ElHekma ).