Company details

A privately held international management consultancy offering business services on developing strategic direction, forming new organizational structures ... etc

Training details

Abu Dhabi based organization is looking to training some of their staff on basic first aid as per the municipality requirements. Please share a quotation with all details including certificates.

Training purpose:

to gain knowledge and be certified based on the municipality requirements

  • الموقع: Abu Dhabi
  • Created: Aug 20, 2019
  • Deadline: Aug 22, 2019
  • Industry/Sector: Management Consulting
  • Course level: Basic
  • Trainees level: Juniors and Seniors
  • Training venue: In House (Abu Dhabi)
  • Tentative dates: As soon as possible
  • مواعيد الدورة: Flexible with options
  • Budget: Can't disclose yet
  • مدة الدورة التدريبية: 1 Day
  • Course Category: Healthcare And Medical
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