Company details

A privately owned leading medical institute in the field of assisted reproduction in the world.

Training details

The organization is looking for a phone etiquette course for their staff to gain more experience on how to handle the phone calls and communicate. Dates of the course will be discussed once the quotation has been approved by the management.

Training purpose:

The course should help facility improvement, how to communicate with people on the phone.

  • الموقع: Abu Dhabi
  • Created: Mar 25, 2018
  • Deadline: Mar 29, 2018
  • Industry/Sector: Health Care
  • Course level: Basic
  • Trainees level: Junior - Senior
  • Training venue: In-house (Abu Dhabi)
  • Tentative dates: No fixed dates yet
  • مواعيد الدورة: Flexible with options
  • Budget: Open Budget
  • مدة الدورة التدريبية: 1 Day
  • Course Category: Soft Skills
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