Company details

Leading international facilities management and service solutions company in Oman. Public company established since 1983 and has approx 5000+ employeses

Training details

we have staff working in the purchasing and procurement department. they only have basic general knowledge on a specific area and software they working with, we would like them to learn more about the field and gain more experience as to expand.

Training purpose:

we would like the staff to learn more about the field and gain more experience as to expand.

  • الموقع: Muscat
  • Created: Oct 04, 2017
  • Deadline: Oct 12, 2017
  • Industry/Sector: Facilities Services
  • Course level: Basic - Advanced
  • Trainees level: Junior
  • Training venue: In-house (Muscat)
  • Tentative dates: Planning 2018 schedule
  • مواعيد الدورة: No fixed dates yet
  • Budget: Open Budget
  • مدة الدورة التدريبية: 5 days (depending on the course)
  • Course Category: Purchasing And Procurement
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