تفاصيل الدورة

Learn the basicconcepts of using a model-view-controller framework that will makeyour PHP projects faster, easier to write and maintain, and moresecure.

Learn toStructure your PHP Code Like a Professional by Building a PHP MVCFramework from Scratch.

  • Model-view-controller (MVC) pattern concepts
  • Build an MVC framework in PHP from scratch
  • Separate application code from presentation code
  • Use namespaces and an autoloader to load classes automatically

Take your PHPProjects to the Next Level

Learning how to usean MVC framework puts a very powerful tool at your fingertips. Mostcommercial websites and web applications written in PHP use some sortof framework, and the MVC pattern is the most popular type offramework in use.

The gap betweenknowing PHP and using a framework can be huge. This course bridgesthat gap. By writing your own framework from scratch, you'll gain anunderstanding of just how each component works. Frameworks likeLaravel, Symfony and CodeIgniter all use the MVC pattern, sounderstanding how an MVC framework is put together will give you astrong background to more easily learn frameworks such as these.

Content andOverview

I designed thiscourse to be easily understood by programmers who know PHP but don'tknow how to use a framework. Are you putting database code and HTMLin the same PHP script? Want to know why this is a bad idea? Want toknow how to do it better?

Starting with thebasic concepts of MVC frameworks, this course will take you throughall the steps needed to build a complete MVC framework, a piece at atime.

Beginning with asingle PHP script, each lecture explains what you're going to add tothe code and why, building up the framework step by step. At the endof this course, you'll have built a complete MVC framework in PHP,ready to use in your own projects.

Complete withworking source code at every stage, you'll be able to work alongside the instructorand will receive a verifiable certificate of completion uponfinishing the course.

تحديث بتاريخ 17 February, 2015
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