تفاصيل الدورة

Important Note: This Course will be constantly updated and extended. Thus, by enrolling now and giving it a positive review you encourage the lecturer and get all further updates for free. 

This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with PowerShell and how to manage Windows Server 2016 with its help. The goal is to provide coverage of initial server's tasks including topics like Finding and Discovering Commands, Interpreting Command Help, Setting up PowerShell Remoting, Setting up the Network Configuration, Using Best Practice Analizer. 

Sections 1-4 of the course are targeted to help to automate and script daily tasks. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use PowerShell commands. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently. 

This course will help you to:

  • Manage Windows Server 2016 Roles and Fetures;
  • Use Windows Server 2016 PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE);
  • Find and Discover Commands;
  • Perform the Basic Tasks, such as: Renaming Computer, Changing the Time Zone, Finding/Starting/Stopping a Service on Windows Server 2016 ; Changing IP Configuration;
  • Learn Remoting Concepts on Windows Server 2016;

Sections 5-6 of the course are aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with PowerShell and how to manage Windows Server 2016 DNS with its help. The goal is to provide coverage of DNS server's tasks including topics like an Overview of DNS Main Concepts, How to Install a DNS Role (on a local computer and a remote one), How to Add Different Types of Zones, Records, etc. 

Section 7 of the course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with PowerShell and how to manage Windows Server 2016 DHCP with its help. The goal is to provide coverage of DHCP server's tasks including topics like an How to Install a DHCP Role, How to Add/Modify Scopes or Superscopes, Scope Options, etc. 

The course is targeted to help to automate and script daily tasks. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use PowerShell commands and a Server's GUI. 

This course will help you to:

  •  Configure primary and secondary zones   
  • Configure stub zones   
  • Configure conditional forwards   
  • Configure zone and conditional forward storage in Active Directory 
تحديث بتاريخ 22 March, 2018
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