تفاصيل الدورة

Learn the concepts and strategies of web scraping with our easy to follow course. We start over with the general 'what, where, why' of web scraping and talk about what tools we will use in the process for beginner level web scraping. We will learn about installing import . io

How to install the tool we will be focusing on during this course. We will also discuss how to properly organize a dashboard to help your company have successful PR pushes. We will do walk through of creating a comprehensive dataset to help your company push news out and build relationships with the journalists you want to approach with company news. You will also learn to discover competitor strategies. You will also learn startegies for websites such as Reddit and Twitter. Learn to gather business data from yelp listings and master the use of Etsy.

This powerful training program covers many practical tips and tricks and will help you being a better marketer . So join us and let data work for you..

تحديث بتاريخ 27 December, 2017
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