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New Skills Academy The Ultimate Writing Course New Skills Academy

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The Ultimate Writing Course

With the ultimate writing course you will be taught how to produce the best prose that you have ever written in your life. This ultimate combination course will take you through the various steps that you need to follow in order to produce something wonderful, whether it be for children's stories, fantasy, romance, crime or autobiography writing. This is not just one course but a combination of a number of important points that any potentially successful writer will need to know in order to go even further in their future career.This course is broken down into easy to follow modules that you are able to do at home and at your own pace.

What You Will Learn

Throughout this course you will learn more about the writing lifestyle than you ever thought possible. In completing our course you are going to learn the following aspects of writing that will help you to build a successful career or work in various fields related to the subject.Fantasy Writing CourseOur fantasy writing course will teach you how to construct your own story from the outset, building up to being able to write your own book. The different modules have been created in order to guide you through in an easy to follow manner. You will learn the following:
  • An explanation of what is meant by fantasy writing.
  • What is required for fantasy writing.
  • How to identify strengths and weaknesses of other writers.
  • Understanding how to move between 1st and 3rd person writing.
  • How to create the audience and age group for your writing.
  • The importance of your first page.
  • How to build characters.
  • How to create your plot.
  • The key to a wonderful backstory.
  • Keeping the dialogue going.
  • Whether or not to use illustrations.
  • How to handle publishers.
This course covers each aspect of writing from start to finish with the main focus on helping you take an idea and eventually turning it into a full blown story. You will learn the importance of both grammar and punctuation as well as how to cope with rejections that may come your way should you send your story to a publisher.In short, by studying this course you will be better placed to produce that bestseller that is stuck inside of you right now.Children’s Story Writing CourseOur children’s story writing course is designed to teach you how to create a wonderful story that will be entertaining and perfect for the children’s market. Writing a book of this nature takes a special approach and the various modules will guide you through the entire process from start to finish.In this course you will learn the following:
  • How to begin thinking about writing a book for children.
  • The key tools and skills that you need in order to write a book.
  • Examples of where other people have succeeded.
  • Choosing the age group and market.
  • Building the characters.
  • Writing the all-important first page.
  • Building the plot and dialogue.
  • Whether or not you should include illustrations.
  • How to overcome any confidence issues with your writing.
  • Exercises that will help you to become a better writer.
  • Dealing with publishers and issues related to them.
Thanks to this course you will have a far better understanding of how to write a children’s book. The hardest part is being able to put those first words down and to create a flow which is one thing that this course will help with since it will allow you to overcome that mental block that may have inhibited you in the first place.Romance Writing CourseOur romance writing course will teach you all you need to know to produce a romance story. Each module will take you through the steps needed to have a successful career as a romance novelist.In this course you will learn the following:
  • What you need to know to become a romance writer
  • How other romance writers have become successful
  • Who the typical romance readers are
  • How to approach your first chapter
  • How to create romantic heroes
  • How to develop a strong romantic storyline
  • Plot ideas to help you with your story
  • Some essential dialogue writing tips
  • How to overcome any confidence issues with your writing.
  • Practical writing exercises to help develop your characters
  • How to submit your work to a publisher
This course explains everything from the basics of romance writing to how to identify your target audience and how to build your story and your characters. It will inspire you to go ahead and write that romance story you’ve always wanted to.Crime Writing CourseThis course on Crime Writing is ideal for those with an existing interest in the crime fiction genre, as either a reader or amateur writer, looking to master the detailed and specific skills that they need to begin a rewarding and successful writing career in this thrilling field.This course covers these key areas in detail, plus much more:
  • The qualities and characteristics of a great crime fiction writer
  • An overview of some of the key sub-genres within crime fiction
  • Deciding on your own particular writing style and identifying your all-important target readership groups
  • Tried and tested techniques to plan and build a gripping plot for your crime story
  • Great ways to structure and pace your story
  • How to choose the setting of your crime novel
  • The importance of writing a thrilling and compelling start to your book and how to do it
  • The different roles that dialogue can play in your novel and how to write exceptional dialogue, both creatively and grammatically
  • Plus much more
Autobiography Writing CourseOur Autobiography Writing course has all the information that any aspiring biography writer needs to become successful in this writing genre.In this course you will learn the following:
  • What a biography is
  • The practical aspects of becoming a writer
  • The lives and works of famous biographers
  • How to identify your target market
  • Working with your chosen subject and an extensive list of interview questions
  • The ethics of writing a biography, what to include and what to omit
  • How to create a research plan, organise your research, and tell your subject’s story
  • The technical aspects of writing and structure and keeping it interesting and dynamic
  • Developing self-confidence and belief in your abilities
  • Finding your own writing style
  • Writing your autobiography

The Benefits of This Ultimate Writing Course

There are a number of obvious benefits to this course. However, the key benefits include:
  • The ability to work at home and at your own pace.
  • Easy to follow modules that build your confidence.
  • A real qualification from an established institution.
  • It will allow you to become a more creative writer.
  • You will notice an improvement in your confidence.
By completing the course you will feel as if you are able to create a story that may very well go on to become a bestseller. تحديث بتاريخ 08 July, 2018

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?Iفي نوفمبر 2013 ، تم طرح سؤال واحد: ماذا تريد أن تتعلم؟

من هناك ، ولدت رؤية توفر دورة تدريبية شاملة وعالية الجودة وبأسعار معقولة عبر الإنترنت. كان الاسم وراء تلك الرؤية أكاديمية المهارات الجديدة. عندما يتعلق الأمر بالمدارس عبر الإنترنت ، يوجد الكثير ، ولكن في أكاديمية المهارات الجديدة نميز أنفسنا بين المنافسة بتفاننا في تحقيق أهدافك طويلة الأجل.

إذا كنت تدخل سوق العمل لأول مرة ، أو تبحث عن وظيفة جديدة ، فسوف نقدم لك الدعم السريع والكفء عبر الإنترنت الذي تحتاجه لجعل أحلامك حقيقة واقعة.

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