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Course Description

This Scientific Formula For Profitable Blogging takes you step-by-step into how to create mind-blowing content that inspires your readers to learn more about your services.

We admit it! We want to make your competitors envious of how you create high quality posts that have your readers starving for more information.

To help you with this, I created a course based on writing over 4,000 blog posts clients and myself. Specifically, this course you are watching comes from presentations I have done for hundreds of entrepreneurs at WordCamp and Score Chicago.

I take out the blah! blah! cheer leader type content other courses employ, and provide useful information.

In fact, by the end of this course, as long as you follow the instructions, you have a usable blog post to share on your site.

"Andrew is a true leader in his field. I look forward to visiting his blog each week because it is always a learning curve for me." Donna Merrill

Who should take this course?

This course is great for any small business looking to learn the basics of how to write solid blog posts, as well as attract targeted visitors to their blog.

While I do spend some time explaining how to purchase a domain name, get hosting, and installing WordPress, this is not a full WordPress install program. However, that might be a future course.

Instead, this course is all about the entrepreneur looking to generate leads for their business. This works for service and product based companies.

"I hired Andy to help me get my blog going and from there he has helped me launch my first coaching package." Rae Luskin

The course consists of:

  • 5 Step-by-step lectures
    • Step 1: Create a Blog Plan
    • Step 2: Write Content
    • Step 3: Find Your Loyal Base
    • Step 4: Drive Traffic
    • Step 5: Convert
  • Easy to follow tutorial video
  • Resource eBook to help you

You'll learn the basics like:

  • How to purchase your domain and hosting
  • How to create a useful blog plan
  • How to create your 1st blog post

Plus some more advanced stuff like:

  • How to find your targeted audience
  • How to drive traffic to your blog posts
  • How to convert your traffic

You can take this course now and discover what you really need to create a profitable blog.

What are the requirements?
  • Completed a high school English course
  • Can Purchase a domain and a monthly hosting option ($20 for the first month)
  • Can follow the step by step directions in the course
What am I going to get from this course?
  • Emotional support to start blogging for your business!
  • Over 22 lectures and 2 hours of content.
  • 12 Resources and Workbook Pages
  • By the end of this course, you should have your first blog post written and shared online.

"Throughout the years have used Andy's informative posts and wealth of knowledge to further my personal education on Social Media (and other subjects) and have found him to be consistent, accurate, and reliable...In this business, it is hard to find someone who is ethical and knowledgeable." Cindy Faya

Who is the target audience?

  • Entrepreneurs who want more business
  • Marketing agencies looking to improve their skills for clients
  • Bloggers who want to improve their content creation skills

تحديث بتاريخ 27 December, 2017
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