تفاصيل الدورة

Welcome to the Supreme Node js Course - For Beginners

Learn everything to become Pro in Node Js. this course is more hands on so that you can learn fast and easily.Node Js is a platform built on Chrome's Javascript runtime for easily building fast and scalable network application.

Learn Node Js in 1 week or less. i guarantee that you will learn every details to be ready in Development Industry

What will you get in this Course?

  1. Create your first App
  2. Create your first web server
  3. REPL
  4. Command Line
  5. Console
  6. Crypto
  7. File System
  8. Buffer
  9. Module
  10. Global Objects
  11. readline
  12. Chat System
  13. Express
  14. Access Assets via Express
  15. Express Generator
  16. Jade
  17. MongoDB
  18. CRUD( Create Read Update Delete)
  19. NPM Libraries

Get this course today and be life changing careers.

The quicker you get this course the quicker gain Supreme Node Js course.

Thank You :D

تحديث بتاريخ 26 November, 2016
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