تفاصيل الدورة

Being at the cutting edge is awesome!

That's where you'll be as a Spring programmer.

And you're there because Spring is the world's most popular web framework, and it's certainly not going to be replaced anytime soon. That's because it easily integrates with any other framework.

Look around. Examples of companies utilizing the Spring Framework include Netflix, Groupon, Cisco, BMW, eBay, ESPN, major credit card companies, and most financial institutions.

So, what's the BIG DEAL with Spring? Let me start:

  • Java, the world's leading programming language, is used to develop Spring applications.
  • The Spring Framework is the most popular and widely used Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) framework.
  • Spring is an open source, lightweight framework that handles all the infrastructure.
  • Spring makes life easy by allowing developers to focus on the business logic while it takes care of the low-level "plumbing".
  • Spring is super lightweight to give you faster deployment. That's because:
    • it advocates the POJO programming model which means you don't need a dedicated server for deployment.
    • Is highly modular, which means you pick and choose which modules you need.
  • Testing Spring Framework applications are easy because of this.

Want to be at the cutting edge of programming?

Well, I'm Tim Buchalka, one of your instructors, and I've designed the Java Spring Framework Masterclass just for you!

Choosing a course that's perfect for you can be damn hard. You need Instructors:

·      Who are passionate about what they do

·      Keep their courses continually updated

·      And most important, provide outstanding support and follow up to your questions

That's what I do. And that's the reason why I made it into the Top 10 List of Outstanding Instructors in the 2015 Udemy Instructor Awards.

Know that you're exactly in the right place to MASTER the Java Spring Framework.

Learning the Spring Framework 4 will give you a massive career advancement because Spring developers are probably the most sought-after developers in the world!

This course assumes you know at least a little of the basics of Java. If you don't know Java or want a refresh, then I suggest you take my Complete Java Masterclass first before this Spring Framework course.  But that's optional.  You can still get a lot out of this course, with even a little Java knowledge.

The course is continually updated and enhanced, and fully supports the Spring Framework as it evolves. This guarantees what you're learning is relevant for you today and will never be obsolete.

With many courses, it's just set and forget. But not with mine! I've got a PROVEN track record of continually updating and adding new content. An example is my Java Masterclass course which now has 68 hours of content and counting, and benefited a whopping 90,000 students.

Your instructors are me and Bibhash Roy. Between us we have a collective 55 years of commercial software development experience, meaning you're learning the right way to program to maximize your future development potential.

Here's what's important. There're lot of people out there teaching Spring who are not developers. We're developers with many years' experience with JEE and Spring, who also teach Spring.

And you guessed it. Learning Spring the "wrong way" is not only a wasted opportunity, it may harm your career in the long run.

Importantly, our courses teach students the real-life skills needed to get those in-demand jobs or further your programming skills.

New content to be released includes:

  • Spring MVC in-depth (Forms and validation):  Drilling further into Spring MVC - Handling Web forms and Validation.
  • Spring AOP - Here's where you'll learn about Spring's Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP). AOP helps to address cross-cutting concerns such as Logging, Security etc.
  • Spring Security - This topic covers Spring's security feature that helps to make Spring based web-apps more secure and robust.
  • Spring with Hibernate - You'll learn Spring integration with Hibernate, one of the most popular Object Relational Framework (ORM).
  • Spring with JPA - This is where you'll learn Spring integration with Java Persistence API (JPA) which helps to make Spring applications database and ORM agnostic.
  • Spring Data - Spring Data unifies and makes it easy to access to different kinds of persistence stores, both relational database systems and NoSQL data stores.
  • Spring with Apache Tiles - Apache Tiles is a free open-source template engine for Java web frameworks You'll learn it's integration with Spring.
  • Spring Web Flow - Spring Web Flow builds on Spring MVC and allows implementing the "flows" in a web application.
  • Spring & Testing - In this section you'll learn how to carry out Unit testing of Spring applications with testing frameworks such as JUnit.

Take this course in confidence today knowing you have just found the BEST Spring Framework course on Udemy!  Don't delay. Every minute you're not learning Spring is a missed opportunity for that PERFECT high paying job.

Click the BUY NOW button and start learning. The world needs your skills!

تحديث بتاريخ 22 March, 2018
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