تفاصيل الدورة

The Series 7 Exam - the General Securities License -  is recognized as one of the most challenging exams in any industry. Not only is the first-time passing rate very low, the fact that often times one's future employment depends on passing the exam the first time around adds enormous stress to the process. To make matters worse, one of the most frequently-asked topics concerns Options (representing as much as 10-12% of the test) which most students find to be the single most difficult subject on the Series 7.

My Intermediate Options Seminar builds on the concepts explored and established in my Fundamentals of Options course, discussing and explaining the more complex strategies available through the use of Options, such as Straddles and Spreads, and how to calculate profits, losses, and break even. Studying and learning from this Seminar will strengthen your understanding of these Options strategies and make you a more confident and effective test taker.

تحديث بتاريخ 22 March, 2018
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