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REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. REST is web standards based architecture and uses HTTP Protocol for data communication. 

In REST architecture, a REST Server simply provides access to resources and REST client accesses and presents the resources. Here each resource is identified by URIs/ global IDs. REST uses various representations to represent a resource like text, JSON and XML. Now a days JSON is the most popular format being used in web services.

Here in this course we are going to automate and validate API's using Python Scripting

We are going to cover following well known HTTP methods are commonly used in REST based architecture.

  • GET - Provides a read only access to a resource.

  • PUT - Used to create a new resource.

  • DELETE - Used to remove a resource.

  • POST - Used to update a existing resource or create a new resource.

تحديث بتاريخ 22 March, 2018
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