تفاصيل الدورة

Once we have learned anyprogramming language, the next task is to become familiar with themost common activities required to get our jobs done. 

 In these lessons, we will draw upon our experience with Python 3 inorder to learn how to re-use the work of others developers, no matter which programming language they use. By leveraging the inter-process communication abilities common between all modern operating systems, we will discover the common denominator required for inter-program cooperation. Not only are these techniques universally available, but also required to speed-up cPython - the most used version of Python - by circumventing the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL.)

From passing startup-parameters to"piping" data in and out of other applications, as well as learning how to start, stop, and share data between both custom & popular applications, professionalsinterested in discovering cross-platform software automation and testing techniques willfind these lessons truly valuable.

تحديث بتاريخ 19 August, 2016
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