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Update: This course has been updated to include 9 projects that will give you a real-world experience with different concepts of Machine Learning. Keep an eye out for more projects that will be added to this course in the future!

If youve ever wanted Jetsons to be real, well we arent that far off from a future like that. If youve ever chatted with automated robots, then youve definitely interacted with machine learning. From self-driving cars to AI bots, machine learning is slowly spreading its reach and making our devices smarter.

Artificial intelligence is the future of computers, where your devices will be able to decide what is right for you. Machine learning is the core for having a futuristic reality where robot maids and robodogs exist. Machine learning includes the algorithms that allow the computers to think and respond, as well as manipulate the data depending on the scenario thats placed before them.

So, if youve ever wanted to play a role in the future of technology development, then heres your chance to get started with Machine Learning. Because machine learning is complex and tough, weve designed a course to help break it down into more simple concepts that are easier to understand.

This course covers the basic concepts of machine learning that are crucial to get started on the journey of becoming a developer for machine learning. This course covers all the different algorithms that are required to simulate the right environment for your computer.

The course will start at the very beginning and delve right into machine learning, before breaking down the most important concepts principles. However, the course does require you to have a mathematical background as machine learning relies heavily on mathematical concepts. It also requires you to have some experience with Python principles which will be required when we put the algorithms to test in actual real-world Python projects.

The course covers a number of different machine learning algorithms such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforced learning and even neural networks. From there you will learn how to incorporate these algorithms into actual projects so you can see how they work in action! But, thats not all. In addition to quizzes that youll find at the end of each section, the course also includes a 6 brand new projects that can help you experience the power of Machine Learning using real-world examples!

9 Projects That Are Included in This Course:

  • Project 1 -Board Game Review Prediction In this project, youll see how to perform a linear regression analysis by predicting the average reviews on a board game in this project.

  • Project 2 Credit Card Fraud Detection In this project, youll learn to focus on anomaly detection by using probability densities to detect credit card fraud.

  • Project 3 Stock Market Clustering Learn how to use the K-means clustering algorithm to find related companies by finding correlations among stock market movements over a given time span.

  • Project 4 Getting Started with Natural Language Processing In Python This project will focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP) methodology, such as tokenizing words and sentences, part of speech identification and tagging, and phrase chunking.

  • Project 5 Obtaining Near State-of-the-Art Performance on Object Recognition Tasks Using Deep Learning In this project, will use the CIFAR-10 object recognition dataset as a benchmark toimplement a recently published deep neural network.

  • Project 6 Image Super Resolution with the SRCNN Learn how to implement and use a Tensorflow version of the Super Resolution Convolutional Neural Network (SRCNN) for improving image quality.

  • Project 7 Natural Language Processing: Text Classification In this project, youll learn an advanced approach to Natural Language

    Processing by solving a text classification task using multiple classification algorithms.

  • Project 8 K-Means Clustering For Image Analysis In this project, youll learn how to use K-Means clustering in an unsupervised

    learning method to analyze and classify 28 x 28 pixel images from the MNIST dataset.

  • Project 9 Data Compression & Visualization Using Principle Component Analysis This project will show you how to compress

    our Iris dataset into a 2D feature set and how to visualize it through a normal x-y plot using k-means clustering.

All of this and so much more is included in this course. So, what are you waiting for?

Get started in machine learning with this epic course that makes machine learning simpler and easy to understand! Enroll now to step into the future of programming.

تحديث بتاريخ 14 November, 2018
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