تفاصيل الدورة

In order for the project to be defined, planned, executed, monitored and controlled, the project scope or the definition of the stakeholder's needs must be collected and understand; in order for the project to have a clear direction, works is defined; tasks and activities are sequenced and scheduled, cost estimated and quality and performance are being measured and controlled.

Scope refers to all the work involved in creating the products of the project, and scope management refers to the processes used to define, controlling and creating them. A project scope is breaking down into manageable chunks; we called it deliverables of the project, such as a component of the software product, project charter, or meeting minutes.

In this course, we will examine why good project scope management is paramount to the project success. Describe the process for developing a project scope statement using the project charter and preliminary scope statement; highlight different techniques to collect user requirements for the products; discuss methodologies involved in constructing a work breakdown structure; explain the importance of scope verification and how it relates to stakeholder's requirement; understand the difference between scope change and scope creep. Synchronize all these scope management processes allowing the project team to better understand the stakeholder requirements; and equipping the project manager the roadmap to steer the project team to success.

The bottomline - This course show you how to turn concepts into actions, and helping you to reach your full potential.

تحديث بتاريخ 22 March, 2018
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