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The important word semiconductor is composition of two words-Semi and Conductor. Semi means not completely while the conductor word means something, which can conduct electricity. Everybody knows what “Electricity” is. It is present everywhere; many appliances in your home and outside the home like TV, Bulb, Freeze, and Microwave Oven etc. are based on electricity. In simple terms, the current must pass through wires so that the electricity can reach up to these appliances.So a conductor is a material having ability to conduct this electricity. Semiconductors conduct electricity to some extent, less than the conductors, how much do you think? Well, it depends on the type of material or its mixture and size.
A semiconductor is a material that has intermediate conductivity between a conductor and an insulator. It means that it has unique physical properties somewhere in between a conductor like aluminum and an insulator like glass. There’s a process called doping, small amounts of impurities are added to pure semiconductors which effected in large changes in the conductivity of the ; تحديث بتاريخ 27 March, 2023