تفاصيل الدورة

You are tired. Work, school, the house, volunteering, and all the other things that make up your life feel overwhelming. You are looking for a better way to handle everything.

This course is for you if you fit the description above. Join me as we discuss how organizing can help. We will take an in depth view of what it really takes to get organized and the starting point is YOU. 

We will be focusing on four main topics: what "being organized" means, mindsets, the necessity of managing your time and energy, and the habits you need in place to stay organized.

This course is for you if you are willing to change and create an organized life. This is not a course filled with tips and tricks, we are diving deeper than that. If you need that, head on over to Pinterest. The ideas we are talking about precede all of that.

Are you ready? I am happy you are here.

تحديث بتاريخ 22 March, 2018
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