تفاصيل الدورة

If you know the basics of Javascript, then dive deeper and expand your technological expertise with mean stack! Adding mean stack to your repertoire will help you become a full stack developer, as it includes database, backend & frontend development. This course details how to set up and run your own mean stack using the mean-io implementation. There are about 3 total hours of video content broken up into 5-20 minute segments, covering everything from the basics, to running and developing your own mean stack. Be sure to check back soon, as more will be added!

تحديث بتاريخ 27 December, 2017
دورات يمكنك الالتحاق بها على الفور... خذ دورة عبر الإنترنت على Web Development ابتداءً من الآن. See all courses

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