تفاصيل الدورة

2 million viewings of his tutorials

Over 1 million contacts in 3 years

Earn over 1000 € in one hour

From now on – everything is possible for you

To have success in the internet nowadays you hear all kinds of things.

What you also always hear is become an expert in a niche

You also always get to hear that 90% don´t have any success in the internet.

Maybe there´sthe KEY

Everyone looks in a keyword planner to find out what people look for in google.

That is however wrong, right is to look for what people need.

How can I help the people – which problems do my product solve. Which uses can I offer people?

We should be concentrating on these things

Is google really so important or are there possibilities to be successful without google?

There are in fact many possibilities which others hardly ever use because that only see google and the experts in their niche

It´s high time to think again:

The following themes are handled:

Without google to success

How do I further build on what others have built

Concentrate on the core matters

Success comes to only there who put things into practice

Earn with videos

Earn also over 1000 € in one hour

Make correct use of the social media

Goal setting and the Pareto principle

Business plan and positioning

Selling on portals like Amazon and ebay

Model yourself on the competition

What more can we say about this product

What our clients said:

It´s my regular partner (in the car, in the sun, when peeling potatoes)

How it´s possible with simple means, to build up a flourishing internet business

Four weeks ago I never believed that I would be able to set up a youtube video

Small classifieds by ebay (with over 3 thousand visitors – I thought I dreamt it

From yesterday I have got almost 50 likes and that in less than 24 hours

Approaches which for the most part distinguish themselves from the current published video sources

My website visitors increased six-fold

Right, you´ve really given me a push

On google I´m in 2nd place with my facebook page

You have many new thoughts ideas and tips and and and

Enjoy the feeling that you´re on the move

تحديث بتاريخ 04 April, 2018
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