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New Skills Academy Level 1-3 Construction Management Diploma New Skills Academy

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Construction Management Diploma

This Construction Management course is the perfect choice for those looking to broaden their knowledge in the field of construction and equip themselves with the skills that they need to progress their career in this area. Broken down into ten comprehensive and easy to follow modules, you will learn all about the full life cycle of the construction management process and gain a detailed understanding of the key disciplines in the sector.

What you will learn

This course covers these key areas in detail, plus much more:
  • The important phases of a construction management project, including design, pre-construction, procurement, construction and commissioning/completion
  • The key activities that take place in each phase of a construction project and what success looks like
  • The key technical skills and personal attributes that you need to become a good construction manager and how to develop a career in the field of construction management
  • How project management skills can be successfully used within construction
  • Estimating and bidding for construction work and how to write a successful tender
  • The importance of health and safety on a construction site, including how to conduct risk assessments, manual handling techniques and dealing with accidents, injuries and hazardous materials
  • How to choose, purchase and manage your equipment and building materials, including the importance of sustainability and environmentally friendly policies in the construction sector
  • Implementing appropriate storage and waste management strategies on a construction site
  • Why training is vital for all workers within construction, the key areas to train workers on and the different methods of training delivery
  • An understanding of the purchasing process within a construction project, how to implement a stock control process and how to successfully negotiate with suppliers as part of a good purchasing strategy
  • How to ensure good quality across the different phases of construction management, including quality standards and dealing with site inspections and legal regulations
  • An overview of different types of employment and worker statutes found in the construction sector, including the use of contractors and subcontractors
  • Common reasons for disputes and ways to avoid and resolve conflict.

Benefits of taking the course

The first module will provide you with an overarching general introduction to construction management and each subsequent module will focus on two or three specific areas, giving you all of the information and detail that you need to hit the ground running.The course covers a good range of specific and technical construction detail and also more general management principles with the aim of giving you a broad and all-encompassing knowledge in the field.Students working towards achieving a certificate in Construction Management will see a variety of benefits. These include the following:
  • The ability to study from home, or anywhere with a convenient internet connection.
  • Study at a pace that is comfortable for you. Since there is no time limit for this course, you will complete your studies, regardless of how long it takes you.
  • You can study training material on any device including computers, tablets, or mobile phones.
  • The ability to easily manage modules and understand course structure.
  • Convenient online support available while you train.
  • The opportunity to access a comprehensive syllabus that will assist you in acquiring the knowledge necessary to fast track you in the process to becoming a construction manager.
  • The opportunity to gain prospects while applying for work or other opportunities in the industry.
  • A certified and recognised certificate upon successful course completion.
  • An affordable pricing structure.

Who should take this course?

This course is designed for anybody already working in the construction sector or anybody thinking of making a career move into the field. It is particularly useful for those who have previous experience within construction and are taking the next step into management. However, the course has been specifically designed to require no previous knowledge of construction. تحديث بتاريخ 27 August, 2018

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